这两天美国国会议员AOC的视频针对国会议员Ted Yoho的行为和所谓道歉的演讲视频超级火。
(在@Homesick Alien的广播里有中文字幕视频的链接)
看完AOC的视频,我就好奇去找了一下Ted Yoho的道歉视频。啊,太一言难尽但又太熟悉了。
非常快速的事件起因:周一AOC在国会大厦前的台阶上碰到了向下走的共和党议员Ted Yoho和Roger Williams。Ted Yoho突然跟AOC开始说话,针对AOC之前说纽约的犯罪率高是因为贫穷率越来越高,Ted Yoho说AOC ”disgusting“,并且说她是”f—king b**ch“。
Ted Yoho周三的“道歉”很短,只有两分钟不到。中文是我快速翻一下,翻得不对的地方都是我的错。
“I stand before you this morning to address the strife I injected into the already contentious Congress. I rise to apologize for the abrupt manner of the conversation I had with my colleague from New York. It is true that we disagree on policies and visions for America. But that does not mean we should be disrespectful.”
“Having been married for 45 years with two daughters, I’m very cognizant of my language. The offensive name-calling words attributed to me by the press were never spoken to my colleagues. And if they were construed that way, I apologize for their misunderstanding.”
”我结婚45年了,有两个女儿,我非常注意我的语言使用。我从来没有用媒体说的这些冒犯的骂人话来指代我的同事。如果这些词是被这么理解的话,那我为产生的误解道歉。” (有友邻指出这句的翻译不对,这句话改了一下,之前翻成了:如果媒体是这么理解的话,那么我为他们的误解道歉)
第二段出现了本次“道歉”里第二次道歉,但不是为自己的行为道歉,是替别人的误会道歉。提到自己的家人,是在说你结婚了有女儿了就不可能骂人了?(AOC视频里说”And so what I believe is that having a daughter does not make a man decent. Having a wife does not make a decent man. Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man, and when a decent man messes up as we all are bound to do, he tries his best and does apologize.”是针对这段。AOC说得太好啦!)
“As my colleagues know, I’m passionate about those affected by poverty. My wife Carolyn and I started out together at the age of 19 with nothing. We did odd jobs and we were on food stamps. I know the face of poverty and for a time it was mine. That is why I know people in this country can still, with all its faults, rise up and succeed and not be encouraged to break the law.”

“I will commit to each of you that I will conduct myself from a place of passion and understanding that policy and political disagreement be vigorously debated with the knowledge that we approach the problems facing our nation with the betterment of the country in mind and the people we serve. I cannot apologize for my passion or for loving my God, my family and my country.”
1. 把自己的行为用非常轻飘飘的语言概括一下。
2. 我真的没做过这种事。我为别人的误解道歉。
3. 我以前也是穷人(这段可以替换为,我以前也是好人,做过很多好事,所以我不可能是坏人)
4. 我坚决不为我的(和事件毫不相关的)“爱”道歉。

如果一个人不是在日常生活中,在思维里就带有对女性的轻视和歧视,会对一个女性说“f**king b**ch”这种词吗?如他所说,他自己这么成功,有近五十年的婚姻,有两个女儿,他都能随意地用这样的词骂一个比他小女儿都小两岁的AOC这样的词。那其他男性呢?