It's getting real








我第一次真正感受到了人要为自己而活,让自己过得快乐是一切事情的先决条件。我终于可以摆脱很多的束缚,做出自己的选择。Good or bad, it's what I think works the best for myself.

It's been a wonderful year. I've had so many great memories and made so many really sweet and wonderful friends. I'm really sad to leave all these behind. It's not my first time to pack up everything and just leave, but it will be the most difficult one.

I was so used to say "有缘再见" to people I met before Singapore because it was true. I often imagined that next time we meet, maybe we'll be in our 60s and we'll look back and smile about this specific moment.

Things are different for me in Singapore. Every time I said "明天见" to my friends, I felt so grateful that we are a part of each other's lives. It felt so good that I felt sad and already started to mourn the future when I eventually lose them, lose us.

What's next for me would be the most difficult decision I'm going to make. It's the first time in my life that I am going to make a decision that's 100% mine. Not for my family, not for money, not for "trying to be cool". When everything else doesn't matter anymore, I need to finally listen to myself and decide what I want.

After I had finally made some difficult decisions and had some peace, now this. Life is just crisis after crisis, or rather, crisis and crisis and crisis, concurrently, all at once. 🥹
